Five Tips for 2017
2016 was an eventful year and we continue to be hopeful for what 2017 will bring us.
Despite volatility and uncertainty, 2017 is something to really look forward to once we learn how to filter out the political and economic noise.
Many are still excited about their New Year’s resolutions at this time—some came up with new ones while many are just revisiting old ones.
Personally, I think New Year’s resolutions are great because they allow us to focus and look forward. The challenge is in maintaining the discipline to fulfill the resolutions.
Allow me to share my five tips for 2017. Since I am a personal finance advocate, you will see that most of my tips will be related to money, so here goes:
1) Review your cash flow and create your budget.
I know you have heard this time and time again and I have also said this time and time again. But, when it comes to helping you achieve your goals, sticking to your budget and taking care of your cash flow are critical. Learn how to allocate your funds properly but be practical as well. Some people will come up with a budget plan that is ‘too good to be true’, which will only look good on paper but very difficult to execute. You know yourself best, so create a budget that you can follow. As you create your budget, make sure that having savings is your ultimate goal.
2) Start or increase your equity investments.
Due to the massive correction of the stock market in 2016, it is an opportune time to accumulate good quality stocks or equity laced mutual funds, unit investment trust funds (UITF) or variable universal life insurance (VUL). There are good bargains among some quality stocks which you may want to invest in, or you may opt to invest via pooled equity funds (mutual funds, UITF, VUL).
3) Start that business that has been brewing in your mind for a long time.
The Philippine economy will continue to grow in 2017 and that will continue to bring entrepreneurial opportunities. Despite the questions many people have in their minds, the Philippine economy is fundamentally sound and poised for sustainable growth. You don’t need to quit your job to start a small business. What is important is that you start. Make sure that you do enough studies before you actually start your business.
4) Get a skills upgrade.
It is always wise to focus on learning and 2017 is a great time for you to do so. Why? Competition is becoming more and more fierce! Our economic growth has ushered in much opportunities but it also made the battlefield more intense. Mediocrity will kill all of us, now more than ever. Attend more seminars, read more books, listen to more podcasts, watch more educational videos and find a mentor or two. The more you focus on building your skills, the better your financial future will be (assuming you know how to handle your money). You may want to start the year right by attending Power Up 2017 this Jan. 20 and learn from Francis Kong along with his guests Riza Mantaring, Carlo Ople, Hidilyn Diaz, Jodi Sta. Maria and me. Visit for details.
5) Be generous.
Regardless of your situation, being generous is a good idea. Why? “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25, NLT. “And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35, NLT
Have an amazing 2017 and always be inspired! – Randell Tiongson
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