Don’t Put Off Impending Tasks to a Later Time


If you succeed in freeing yourself from your bad habits, your finances will show your success over time.

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Have you ever tried to write a plan to organize the things you want to do but procrastination got the better of you? Most of us have gone through such experience when we have the feeling that we are so distracted that it is so difficult to focus on our goals. That’s how we develop the habit of putting off impending tasks to a later time.

Procrastination is a bad habit that’s hard to break away from. We can equate this to breaking up with a bad relationship that consumes our time, effort, energy and money. We have to consciously spend a great effort to replace this habit with a can-do attitude. Whatever we need to do, we have to do it at once. This is easier said than done, but sooner or later we will come to realize that the effort is totally worth it when it comes to our finances.

There are habits we have acquired that we need to let go so we can experience growth.

  1. You got tons of excuses on why you don’t have savings or investment account.“Time is gold.” Whoever said those words knew exactly the value of time. In this lifetime, you can earn unlimited amounts of money, but you only have a limited time. Get serious with your finances and start changing for the better now. Change your money values so you can create powerful habits. Laziness that leads to procrastination will not bring back lost time. Excuses will make you weak, as pride will pull you down.
  2. You have so many extracurricular activities that you make savings, insurance and investment as your last priority.

Our ability to prioritize things from very important goals to the least important things will give us advantage over other people. There’s nothing wrong with spending money for a long vacation, purchasing a new car, getting new gadgets or treating your friends out. But remember to manage your finances first, or else these activities will manage your finances. The choice is yours.

  1. You made a promise to yourself that you will start investing this year but until now you never even started to consider the kind of investment that you want. That’s financial procrastination, plain and simple.

How long will it take you to do your financial plan? Stop procrastinating and start doing it! Remember the commercial? “Just do it!” Let your idea become a reality. Do it now! Learn more about your risk profile; invest in securities that match your goals. Do it consistently till you get used to it. Momentum will overflow. Many successful people are known because of what they’re doing not because on what they know.

  1. You planned to have your budget but failed to apply it. Putting something on paper is just the first step. It will not make you win, but it will guide you to make a series of small steps to achieve your goals.
  2. You want to settle all your debts but you failed to pay even the minimum amount you owe on your credit card. I noticed that there is now a global pandemic of debt mismanagement. If there’s a medicine for procrastination in paying debts, I think many people will use it as a lifetime maintenance drug to cure their disease. Commitment is a responsibility. Your ability to discipline yourself, pay your debt, and save money will give you financial freedom in the future.
  3. You are wondering how come your money cannot even last till the next payday. If you live from paycheck to paycheck, have some written vision and goals. Do the budget. Write it down or put it in an app so you can monitor your progress. Evaluating yourself financially will give you an idea of how to replace unproductive habits.
  4. You keep on buying online thinking that you will earn points and get big discounts. This is a wrong mind-set. The e-commerce site was designed to simply earn from people with this kind of mentality. Buying online will not give you savings but encourages you to buy more items, notwithstanding the rewards program and discounts being offered. Take note, this will only bring you financial pain.

Bad habits are acquired slowly and over a period of time. The process of changing them cannot be done overnight. This will also take time, so be patient. You might be in a situation where you have lost control of your finances. The solution is to graduate from the school of procrastination. You can do this by simply doing baby steps, one step at a time. If you succeed in freeing yourself from your bad habits, your finances will show your success over time.



David Isaiah Angway is a registered financial planner of RFP Philippines. He is a Fraud Risk Ops Analysts and have an excellent attention to detail and concern for all aspects of the job. He is also a columnist at Business Mirror.




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