What Is A Financial Planner
If the architect builds your home, teachers mold your mind and doctors keep you healthy, who makes sure that your finances stay sound?
The doctor, the teacher, the architect and all other professionals have studied and trained in their own fields of specialization to provide for specific needs. They are expected to put the best interest of clients above themselves and be unbiased in giving the best services and advice.
While we deal with them at one time or another, most of us decide to handle the matter of finances ourselves. Shouldn’t this be done by professionals also? What architects are to houses, teachers to minds, lawyers to law and doctors to physical health, financial planners are to financial health.
The financial planner is the professional who “provides sound, coordinated financial advice to individuals and their families”. In matters of money, the financial planner is your best bet.
Having studied personal finance, he or she is knowledgeable about different areas and will rigorously seek solutions that will best achieve the client’s financial objective without preference or loyalty to any institution or product. As a professional, the financial planner upholds and prioritizes the client’s needs and best interests while continuing to educate himself/herself, thus improving his or her competence.
Everyone can study personal finance but not everyone is a certified or registered financial planner. Being certified means that the financial planner has undergone sufficient training, has the necessary knowledge and upholds a code of ethics. In choosing a financial planner, make sure that he or she is certified by organizations of good repute.
As the profession involves dedication to your financial well-being, the financial planner will be able give you advice on the following areas: cash flow management, investment planning, insurance planning, tax and estate planning, education planning and retirement planning.
But is there really a need for a financial planner? Shouldn’t everyone be responsible for his or her own finances? Yes, each person should know how to handle money but there is also the need for expert knowledge and advice as to how to do it.
Imagine having a dedicated financial planner who is up to date with the latest economic trends and knowledge, is able to steer your finances and investments through economic ups and downs, designs an insurance plan that will leave your family secure should anything happen to you or crafts, plans and helps you realize a dream retirement lifestyle.
Imagine not having to worry about your finances at all. That’s what getting a financial planner is all about. We know that sick people often go to the doctor too late — should you act the same way with regard to your finances?
Rienzie P. Biolena is a registered financial planner of RFP Philippines. He is president and chief financial planner of WealthArki and Consultancy, a financial planning firm. Learn more about personal financial planning at the 68th RFP program this March 2018. To inquire, e-mail info@rfp.ph or text <name><e-mail><RFP> to 0917-9689774.
Source: http://www.manilatimes.net/what-is-a-financial-planner/379298/
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