The financial obligations of parents can be very overwhelming. A lot of financial responsibilities are..
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Question: People say that cash is king. Please explain what the phrase means. —asked at “Ask..
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Last week, we explored two things that couples should take into consideration before getting married…
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I have a friend who will be getting married to his long-time girlfriend in a..
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It is nice to be able to buy material things with your own money. Sadly,..
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One personal-finance question I often get asked is: “Is this (name of product) OK?” It’s..
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Question: Every day, I wake up worrying about how to pay my burgeoning debt on top..
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In a perfect world, we would have all of the personal resources to support our..
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A stock market correction, by definition, typically involves temporary pullbacks in share prices of around..
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For the past five years that I’ve been a financial advisor, I’ve been lucky enough..
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