New Year’s resolution—Part 2


Personal finance is about discipline, behavior, willpower and knowledge in managing one’s finances.


The first part of the article last week gave five simple New Year’s resolutions that will decisively change one’s financial life. On this second and last part, the remaining five are given. Things to stop doing this 2014:

Stop irresponsible purchases—this includes buying on impulse, buying out of the budget, or worse, buying without a need. Responsible purchases, on the other hand, means that all expenses are: 1) Programmed, anticipated and expected, 2) Done in light of the over-financial goals and, 3) Undertaken but mindful of its financial impact and consequences. This does not mean Spartan living for all of us: Travels, vacations, buying gadgets and other wants can be had but actual purchases should not derail future needs. Sure, that gadget or dream getaway feels good but having no insurance no emergency fund intact at the same time is a recipe for serious financial problems. Separating needs from wants is key in responsible buying. Ask yourself: Do I really need this? Does this increase in value over time? How will this help me achieve my financial goals and objectives?

Stop irresponsible credit—Credit cards per se are not bad. You can enjoy freebies, perks and benefits by using them. But to buy on credit, with unpaid credit balances mounting is suicidal. Credit cards nowadays can charge up to 3 percent per month or 36 percent per year. Being buried in debt is a very harrowing experience and will greatly undermine your financial future—where resources that could have been reallocated to actual needs are just thrown away for charges and unnecessary expenses. One rule of thumb when to use credit card: Buy only when you have the actual cash at your disposal.

Stop procrastinating—Having known the financial market up close and personal, I have seen that one single day can mean an additional 1 percent return. I have done retirement-planning seminars for various companies and institutions and it is not uncommon to hear sentiments like “I wish I could have done that earlier…” or “I wish I could have invested earlier…” Time is one of the most precious resources, and a delay of one day, one week, or one year can spell the difference between added financial security or less. For example: We all know that death comes unexpectedly, and what if the next day is the day of “reckoning.” Putting off a purchase of insurance for a day, for example, can mean additional resources for your family when that happens, or leave them with nothing at all.

Moreover, procrastinating investing in later years or “when I can afford it” erodes one chance of getting more returns moving forward. With pooled funds like Unit Investment Trust Fund and mutual funds in the market, one can invest for as little as P5,000 already—and add for as little as P1,000 whenever and practically wherever!

Stop being a victim of consumerism —the latest fad, fashion, and gadget, and getaways shall always be there. And they are all cash outflows. Chasing the latest trend every time, all the time is a drain in the pocket—unless you have a very huge surplus and can afford to buy them always. But more often than not, these are things that decline in value over time or, in the case of travel places, they would just stay there for at least the next couple of years. Key here is knowing your priorities. True, the decision is always this: Do I sacrifice today for tomorrow, or do I sacrifice tomorrow for today? Your priorities and how much are you willing to trade off present and future consumption will largely determine your financial future.

Stop living outside of your means—

“Deny!!!” as Suze Orman, personal finance guru, would so emphatically say for purchases that are not within her subject’s means.

It’s just simple: If you cannot afford it, you cannot afford it so don’t buy it—for now. The Filipino saying could not have said it any better:

“Habang maikli ang kumot, matutong mamaluktot.”

So, as Robert Kiyosaki says,

“increase your means”—work hard for it, save up for it, invest for it and enjoy it in the future.

At the end of the day, personal finance is about discipline, behavior, willpower and knowledge in managing one’s finances. Of course, there are professional and expert financial planners out there who can objectively help people shore up their personal finances and secure their and their family’s financial future.

A happy and prosperous New Year to everyone!


col-oped-personal finance-RPBiolenaRienzie Biolena is a Registered Financial Planner of RFP Philippines. He is a Senior Financial Advisor at asset management company, and Columnist of Business Mirror and Rappler.




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